September 4, 2008

Welcome To My Assignment!

Hello, G'Day, Bon Jour - how ever you say it, welcome to my "Some People Are Rich - Others Are Poor" assignment!

This website is based on a Year 7 Humanities assignment where we had to basically pick a Asia-Pacific region & compare how it is living here in Australia to our chosen country - there were five tasks involved in this assignment & the details of the assignment are available to read via downloading it from DivShare

I know this is a very different way of presenting your assignments (instead of doing a poster, a speech or doing it on Microsoft Word) but it was very interesting to see how it turns out!

One last thing before I let you "roam" around the website is that completing this assignment wouldn't be possible without the support, help & the occasional laughs of my Humanities teacher, my best/closest friends (you know who you're & don't make it up!) & my family (I can't name names of any of the above people here - due to keeping people's privacy,) but if you're one of the people that I've just talked about, give yourself three cheers for (quiet while you're doing that - people are trying to do stuff here!)

So without anything else to do, I hope you enjoy reading & posting comments on the content on the website - don't forget to look on your right (& around the website) for a poll & other cool stuff (note: if you go to the bottom of the page & click Older Posts, you can go to the next page!)

P.S: As apart of a series of other tasks around the theme of "Needs & Wants," I wrote an essay on the issue of poverty - you're able to read it, on the DivShare website!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is very good and I liked it!